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National Skip the Straw Day – February 26, 2021

We owe our strawless celebrations on National Skip the Straw Day, the fourth Friday in February, falling on February 26 this year, to a group of young activists in Whitehall, Michigan. In light of the ongoing battle against global warming and plastic pollution, we’ll take the time this holiday to consider whether we really need that whimsical plastic tube in order to enjoy our favorite beverages. We can slurp more down by just going straight for the glass’s edge anyway!


National Skip the Straw Day – February 26, 2021



In 2017, a group of teenage activists called the Coral Keepers established National Skip the Straw Day to recur every fourth Friday in February. Amid frequent and intense conversations about the state of the planet and the potentially fatal effects of plastic waste for creatures in the world’s largest oceans, these high school students from Whitehall, Michigan decided to establish the day in order to educate others about the many biodegradable alternatives to these small but potent cylindrical sippers.


Click HERE to go to the National Today website.